Pin Drop Quiz
Pin Drop Quiz combines the tension of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire with sexual health and wellness trivia. The idea was to make the experience of understanding sexual health a fun and engaging experience.
The prototype was developed for the HISTP game jam hosted by Games for Change. The idea of the jam was to team up game developers and researchers to create a game based on their work on sexual health and wellness.
The researcher's goals were to help marginalized communities by educating people and providing help.
My contributions
The game was programmed over a weekend for the HISTP game jam. An important task was to create a way to put in new quiz questions easily. The rest of the programming went into creating the game loop and the "Who wants to be a millionaire" atmosphere of the game.
The character art for this prototype was pieced together/photoshopped from bitmojis, while the background and particle fx were created from scratch using Affinity Photo
